Wednesday, March 27, 2013

aDvAnCiNg ArTisTs

Small class, more in depth art exercises, more time spent on projects....this class is a class of progressing artists! Isn't it obvious!? They did so great on their first day.

This was fun and is turning out awesome... projected to finish next week.

uP Up AnD aWaY...

These hot air balloons kicked off our Spring Session of Art School.  This was kind of a "free" exercise.  I let them design their own hot air balloons.  I taught them about painting wet on wet with water colors, how to draw a hot air balloon and then let them use some creativity to finish up the design on the balloons.  I told them to use bright colors and leave no white space.
Here is how some turned out:

Monday, March 25, 2013

rEceNt ArT

 I'm taking a water color class right now.  It is my new favorite.  This is one of my little attempts.  It is supposed to be me.

Part of the class has been on lettering.  Lettering has ALWAYS been my favorite.  This was kind of a little doodle but the focus was on the water color.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the class.

Just some little fun sketches.

lOoK WhAt'S nEw iN OuR ArT schOoL!

Sometimes weekend projects turn into Spring break projects that carry over to the next weekend project and the next weekend...therefore making them 4 weekend projects! But HEY! I am so excited for these little chairs to brighten up our little School.  I worked so hard on these and I know they will make the students happy and artistic.  I had to show them to the parents too.  Last week we only had 1 done and it was quite the discussion who got to sit in it.

cReaTe A CaStLe

I was honestly a little nervous about this project....but it turned out way better than I ever expected and was so fun to watch them work on.  I am so sorry some of these are sideways.  Aren't they great!?

uNdEr WaTeR sEaLs

I absolutely loved how well these turned out.  It made me want to go see some real seals at the beach....